Peadar Mercier
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Peadar Mercier

Joined: 1966 Left: 1976

Peadar, a native of Dublin, did not learn to play the bodhrán until his 40’s. In 1964, The Chieftains appeared on a television show for Ulster Television, David Fallon, who played bodhran on the first album couldn’t take time off his farm to travel with them, and when Paddy realised that they had to recruit someone who was able to commit, he asked Peadar Mercier to take over as bodhran player in 1966. Peadar maintained years later that he didn’t have musical talent, stating that he played ‘second fiddle’ in The Chieftains. “But to play second fiddle well is an achievement” he also said.

At a time when The Chieftains had future tours lined up for Europe, Australia, and New Zealand, and were committed to spending six months or more on the road every year for the foreseeable future, Mercier, now in his 60’s and with 10 children, felt the pressure and after a discussion with Moloney, he left the Chieftains in 1975.

Bodhran, Bones